Future and governance
Our organisational capacity, management processes and procedures are all underpinned by reference to the principles of good corporate governance, supported by a number of policies. The Board provides leadership to the business in order to create long-term value for all our key stakeholders.
Leadership & Board
Meet our Leadership and Board
Our Board considers Group-wide initiatives and priorities, reviewing the implementation of operational plans, and changes to policies and procedures. It facilitates the discussion of the development of new projects, and reviews and prioritises principal risks.
Executive Leadership Team (ELT)

Jon Steinberg
Chief Executive Officer

Eric Harris
Chief Operating Officer

Sharjeel Suleman
Chief Financial Officer

Kevin Li Ying
Executive Vice President of the B2C Division

Rob George
Senior Vice President of eCommerce & Transformation

Sarah Rees
Senior Vice President of Subscriptions Media & Events

Jason MacLellan
Chief Technology Officer

Lee Griffin
Senior Vice President Go.Compare

Simon Collis
Senior Vice President of Content Strategy & Audience Development

Neville Daniels
Managing Director, Australia

Kevin Addley
SVP Consumer

Hillary Kerr
Senior Vice President of Women and Luxury

Amanda Darman-Allen
Senior Vice President of the B2B Division
Board of directors

Richard Huntingford

Jon Steinberg
Chief Executive Officer

Sharjeel Suleman
Chief Financial Officer

Meredith Amdur
Independent Non-Executive Director

Mark Brooker
Senior Independent Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Remuneration Committee

Alan Newman
Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit Committee

Rob Hattrell
Independent Non-Executive Director

Angela Seymour-Jackson
Independent Non-Executive Director

Ivana Kirkbride
Independent Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Responsibility Committee
Corporate Governance - Building a sustainable future
We are taking action. We will be principled and transparent in reducing our own impacts, and behaving ethically. Our priority is to reduce our emissions across the business, remove single-use plastic, minimise waste, report regularly and keep our stakeholders central to our strategy.
Climate change - direct
We are targeting net zero carbon emissions from Scope 1 and 2. We have compiled our green house gas data and reported our Streamlined Energy and Carbon Report disclosure for 2022: Scope 1 and 2 emission reporting. Our ambitions in this area are:
Our immediate focus is on measuring, reporting and setting targets to reduce our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions
We will demonstrate reductions via energy saving and renewable energy
We intend to target net zero carbon emissions from Scope 1 and 2
Board Committee Docs
Download our Governance Reports
Matters Reserved for the Board
Schedule of matters expressly reserved for the collective decision of the Board.
Remuneration Committee
Reviews and recommends the framework and policy for the remuneration of the Chair, the Executive Directors, the Company Secretary and senior executives in alignment with the Group’s reward principles.
Nomination Committee
Reviews the structure, size and composition of the Board and its Committees.
Audit & Risk Committee
Oversees and monitors the Company’s financial statements, accounting processes and audits (internal and external).
Responsibility Committee
Oversees and monitors our responsibility strategy and monitors and approves the output